
Dublin Port Company

Planning for Redevelopment of Sensitive Industrial Archaeology

Southgate Asociates were involved with the Dublin Port Company in develping a conservation strategy for the implementation of the first phase of the Master Plan for the regeneration of Dublin Port facilities 2012 – 2040. The first phase involved redevelopment of Alexandra Basin, an historic piece of port infrastructure built in the 19th century, which is archaelogically significant. The work at Dublin Port Company has been carried out in association with Dr. Niall Brady, of the Archaelogical Diving Company (ADCO), Ireland’s premier consultancy in marine and underwater archaelogy and Dr. Colin Rynne, Department of Archaelogy, University College Cork, expert adviser on industrial archaelogy.

Southgate Associates were part of a multi-disciplinary design team, under the management of R.P.S. Group, engineers and project managers, that delivered the planning permission for the conservation and redevelopment of an historic dock in Dublin Port, which would allow extremely large cruise ships to dock in Dublin, thereby bringing a significant tourism boost to the city. See the images which detail Southgate Associates Conservation Strategy, which were developed by MOLA Architects, as shown in drawings A and B.

Dublin Port Company

Conservation Works and Heritage-Led Regeneration of Dublin Port

Dublin Port Company

Conservation Works and Heritage-Led Regeneration of Dublin Port

Dublin Port Company
Dublin Port Company

Great South Wall Dublin Port - conservation management plan team

Key project staff

Karen Lysaght

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